Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) born at Urm, now in Western Germany, studied in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1905. He developed his theory of relativity in 1906, following a paper on Brownian motion, and another on the kinetics of heat. Einstein set out to show that space and time were the same, since the speed of light is constant; that mass and energy are equivalent. In 1918 he postulated that gravity is not a force, but a feature of space-time resulting from the curvature of space. Einstein’s view was that if one travelled as fast as light, then light would not be observed, but would stand still. This observation would be made if any human could ever travel at the speed of the light wave. The fact that a human eye would fail to observe light at any speed that took the wave out of the visible spectrum has absolutely no bearing on the nature of the light wave itself. Einstein could not believe in the infinity of the Universe, so had to postulate a curved Universe that is shaped like a globe. Since Einstein’s day, it has been shown that there can be differences in the speed of light.


Time and Space

Einstein had apparently shown that time was a dimension. This is not so and can be disproved. Time is not an independent variable. Space-time is not as Einstein postulated, and relativity theory does not hold true.


A simple time experiment.

If time is truly independent of events, then time can be applied to events and cause them to vary. If we look at an event that happens with absolute regularity, and can show that it can be altered in any way by the application of time as an independent force or dimension, then time truly has that effect. If we can apply time in a simple manner to a regular but random event, and see a difference, then Einstein may be right. The alternative is simply that time is only a construct of the rate of change. Usually we choose to measure time as defined by a day, one revolution of the Earth around the Sun, or an atomic clock. This speed is only judged by our own experience. To a baby a day appears infinite, yet as we get old, the years start to blur.


To understand whether time has any independent meaning, first imagine the movement of a pendulum in a room. If it were to move slowly, would it be possible to move in and out of the room at will and see only the forward movement of the pendulum, and not the backward movement? If the pendulum moves as predicted, its movement can be foreseen by timing it, and it will be possible to see all the forward strokes and none of the backstrokes. This would not be a manipulation of events by time. If however we flip a coin and record how many times it falls as “heads”, and how many are “tails”, then overall, as we all know, the number of each is absolutely equal with the passage of time. Indeed try this yourself and the longer you go on the more even it becomes. There can be a variance up to about a factor of ten, but there is a true oscillation about the mean, and as time progresses, the result is always even. If however we suppose that time is truly a variable, then it can be applied to this random process. If the coin is flipped once, it may come down heads. If it comes down tails first, then maybe it will come down heads next. If therefore we flip the coin until we have scored an excess of one occurrence of heads over tails, then we have applied time to the process. If then we go away and come back another day, whilst the process of flipping the coin or rotating a roulette wheel for example, continues, then we should be able to start from a random beginning, and again proceed until there is an excess of one “head”. If overall this process can be continued indefinitely, then time, as an independent variable will be shown to exist. This is much more practical than attempting to exceed the speed of light. When this coin experiment is continued over many days and months, the events are random, and the number of heads versus tails always eventually returns to zero, equality. In practice an apparent excess of up to ten heads can be built up. Likewise in roulette, an excess of ten times will allow a gain to be built. As surely, the number will return to zero or up to minus ten will build, only to gradually revert again. Time is only a measure of the speed of a process relative to another event. Time is not independent of the process. Equally, Light is the propagation of a wave from one virtually massless particle to another at a finite and measurable speed. Whereas it can be measured in time by comparison to the movement of the earth around the sun in a year (light year), the passage of light cannot be changed by the application of time as a dimension. Time is not altered by flying around the universe at infinite speed, or by coming in and out of the time experiment at different moments. Time therefore does not exist outside of human experience.


Unfortunately Einstein based his ideas on Newton’s gravity theory. Few wanted to believe Einstein’s theories anyway, until the eclipse of 1919, when the light from a star appeared to be bent by the gravity of the Sun. Few seem to have remembered those wise men of earlier theories. The light was as one would expect, refracted in the altered density of the dark matter around the Sun. The sun, as other molecular bodies, displaces the dark matter, causing an altered density of the dark matter around it. Different densities of material are well known to refract light, and there is little difficulty understanding that concept. What is not clear is why so many persons have grasped the idea of Einstein‘s relativity concerning the warping of an integrated space-time, pretending that they understood it and that the concept was real.

The Known Universe


There are about 100 billion stars in our own galaxy (the Milky Way). The Milky Way was probably formed by an amalgamation of several smaller galaxies. Those galaxies did not come together as an amorphous mass under the influence of an attractive force, but instead have formed a spiral structure that is essentially flat with a bulge in it. This central bulge contains an estimated 200 million suns. The Milky Way is some 100,000 light years across. Our solar system lies on the edge of the spiral, about 2/3 of the way from the centre of the galaxy. The whole Milky Way spiral is rotating, and thought to take about 300 million years to make one single rotation. In the centre of the galaxy there is considerable turbulence, and many stars orbit erratically. One cluster of stars has been observed to move at a speed of 3 million miles an hour.


There is a current obsession with black holes. Einstein proposed the existence of “dark stars” (black holes). Without gravity there can be no black holes. A black hole has been suggested as the centre of each galaxy, somehow holding the galaxy in its spiral, yet permitting the enormous speeds and erratic star orbits at its centre. In the black hole it is said that an area of the size of a speck of dust is consuming matter, and is 3 million times the weight of the sun. Thought to have such massive gravity and mass, yet having only a local influence, this super-massive black hole if it existed, would surely devour the Universe in an instant.


The Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy are headed towards each other at about 500,000 kilometres an hour, yet they are not expected to coalesce for some 5-7 billion years yet. It has been predicted that the two postulated central black holes will come together 25 billion years after the big bang. All the stars in the two galaxies would then be devoured and “switched off”. In a further great stretch of imagination, Steven Hawking has claimed that even black holes will eventually evaporate, one molecule at a time, 10100 years from now (ten google years). More logically, in that situation, if there had been a big bang producing everything from nothing, then all would collapse to nothing again with the end of all time.


In a further example of Newton’s continued influence, Professor Fred Adams of the University of Michigan recently suggested that as the sun reaches the end of its life, the Earth’s population could use the gravitational tug of a giant asteroid to adjust the orbit!


The sun will one day swell as a “red giant”. Slowly burning its hydrogen, it will become 10,000 times brighter, and become larger in diameter than the current orbit of the earth. Long before that a rise in temperature of only 60 degrees will be enough to evaporate all the water on Earth. Such conditions billions of years in the future, long before the sun becomes a red dwarf, will cause the extermination of life on Earth. It is however truly inappropriate that anyone should worry now concerning an event so far in the future. Every person now on Earth, will be in the spirit world within a mere 120 years.

Black holes have been predicted as a consequence of very dense matter in which gravity is so strong as to prevent the emission of light. Another theory would be necessary to explain a black hole if there is no such thing as the attraction of gravity. Indeed no black hole has ever been demonstrated. Likewise such phenomena as wormholes and time machines are a figment of imagination, and will never be demonstrated[i]. If the transmission of light slows below that visible, due to a low enough temperature, it will naturally increase its transmission speed again as the transmitting medium warms up. Heat after all is another type of energy associated with the vibration of particulate matter. If there is such a thing as a black hole, it will prove to be a cold spot in the Universe where matter is so low in temperature that matter altogether ceases to react or vibrate. Since all dark matter is continuous and will evenly distribute energy, this will never occur.


Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) saw that light from far away across the galaxy was redder than light from the sun. This led him to suppose that the stars were all receding from us at great speed, causing the light to change its wavelength in accord with Doppler’s theory. There was always the alternative possibility that light was slowing down in wavelength, as the dark matter vibrates less, further from the source, instead of the star source moving. That hypothesis was rejected. The “Big Bang” theory was thus spawned, and has been a great favourite of contemporary physicists.


That all matter in the universe should have come from a pinhead by spontaneous explosion in a millisecond, proposed by Hubble in 1929, is surely the most preposterous theory of all time. It is simply enough countered by the demonstration that light waves can slow through cold matter to 30-1 ms[ii]. The slowing of light vibrations thus is proved to occur other than simply by movement of the source of the light. The idea that all matter moves away from us, would anyway go against the idea of an infinite universe. That would assume that we are at the centre of all matter. The most distantly created waveform light from far across the Universe has now been shown to slow to microwave frequency by the time it is detected by us as the microwave background. Older light will be detected at lower frequencies still. The newly launched Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) will look for this radiation[iii], which I predict will come from every part of the sky, and will appear much as the microwave background. In another demonstration of the variance of the speed of light under artificial conditions it has now been shown that light waves may travel faster than the standard fixed speed. It was reported in July 2000, that light may be caused to travel at least 7% faster than its normal observed speed[iv].


That there is indeed dark matter, the particles of which pervade intermolecular space with particles in complete contact, can be explained by simple analogy. Suppose that there is a line of cars (separate particles) travelling in a traffic queue. Suppose then there is a slowing of any one car to (or almost to) a halt. You will find that every succeeding car is forced to come to a halt also. Then when the car that initially slowed, speeds up again, it moves ahead, yet the cars behind must come to a halt before the way is clear and they can speed up themselves. The only way that this would not happen is if the cars are all connected together by solid tow bars, like carriages of a railway train. Only if the cars or bodies are fixed together can there be a transmission wave along its length. Thus it can be seen that to transmit a wave through dark matter the particles must all be in contact, fixed ever so delicately to each other. This demonstration of structure within the dark matter is seen in practice as the pattern of the cosmic microwave background. Quantum entanglement[v] shows an interlaced structure. Likewise the first data from the Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe (WMAP) to be released also confirms this theory[vi].





[i] Nature, volume 400 8th July 1999, p.111 “Edwin Hubble got it wrong by an order of magnitude, but claimed an uncertainty of 10%. Seventy years and much humble pie later, knowledge of the constant rate of expansion of the Universe”…….. “Remained unreliable”…”Had the expansion of the universe proceeded unchanged at the galloping rate suggested by Hubble, the big bang would have taken place less than two billion years ago, making the Earth older than the Universe”


[ii] Nature, volume 409, 21st January, 2001, page 461.

“Stopping light in its tracks”.Using lasers and ultra cold atoms, physicists have found a way to stop and start a pulse of light. This magic trick may one day be used to store data in a quantum computer”. ………….

“Two years ago Lene Hou and her colleagues shot a pulse of laser light three microseconds in duration and about one kilometre in length into a specially prepared sample of ultra-cold sodium gas. The gas sample was about a 0.2 mm in length, and had the unusual property that the velocity of light within it was 10 million times lower than in free space. When the leading edge of the pulse entered the sodium cloud, it immediately slowed to an unheard of speed of 30 ms - 1. At this leisurely pace, the light pulse took so long to cross the sample, that, long before it emerged from the other side, the tail-end of the light pulse vanished into the sample as well. Squeezed to within one 10 millionth of its original length, the pulse crept across the sample until finally it emerged, restored to its original length, and accelerated to its customary speed of 3x 10 8ms-1. The key to slowing light is the presence of the second laser beam, the so-called “coupling” pulse. Distinguishable from the propagating or “probe” pulse by its polarisation, the coupling light delicately adjusts the internal energy levels of the atoms, suppressing their ability to absorb the probe light - in effect, a single absorption level is split into two levels that cancel each other out. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetically induced transparency. At the same time, the “refractive index” of the atomic cloud - in simple terms how much it bends light - develops a steep dependence on the probe frequency. This in turn leads to a very slow “group velocity” - the speed at which the envelope of light intensity moves through the sample”.

[iii] See


[iv] Nature, vol 406, p. 243. July 2000.  “Mugnai et al report a large superluminal effect for microwave pulses. Now Wang et al., (p.277 of this issue, report pulses of light at a velocity of –c/310. This is explained by them as being possible, since the waveform is transmitted through matter. No particles are transmitted at all”. 


[v] Physics Review, letters, 89. 270402 (2002) “With Quantum entanglement there seems to be an interlaced structure. Particles share a wavefunction, and measurements on one particle automatically define the quantum state of others with which it is entangled, according to Gingrich and Adami”. 


[vi] Nature, vol 421/ Feb 2003. “Data from the Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe have now been released. (WMAP) This some eight years after the idea was first proposed to NASA. The satellite spent a year surveying the sky at more than 1.5 million kilometres from earth, and measured the temperature and polarisation of the cosmic microwave background. (CMB)” (Whereas this is useful data, I fail to see that the dark matter has remained stuck in this state with no change even in polarisation or fluctuation in density since the beginning of the universe, as is suggested. However, that idea does lend weight to my argument that the dark matter actually has a fixed structure and is another world, invisible to us in our human state. The new data is said to suggest a distribution of mass and energy in which 4% of the universe is atoms, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy. Even the age of the stars is said to be derivable from this data). See